Foto: Daniela Mülsow
I’m a north-east-east-german native and freelance illustrator
who's drawing for publishers, magazines, companies, NGO's
and with pleasure for you and for me - but preferably for
children, oceanlovers and everyone who like to turn the world in
a funnier, fairer, more social, sustainable and better place.
Since 2011 I've worked for several publishers, magazines and organisations. In 2021 I illustrated »Schlafen wie die Rüben« by
Dita Zipfel and Finn-Ole Heinrich, which got rewarded as one of
the most beautiful german books by Stiftung Buchkunst.
When I'm not on my desk, you can find me drawing live with the »Illufix« on festivals or just holding my feet into the sea.
My studio is based in Rostock, almost in the Baltic Sea | Germany.
Sometimes I got honoured.
Here are some of these moments:
2024 | »Schlafen wie die Rüben«, Selected for the
»Lyrik-Empfehlungen« by Deutsche Akademie für
Sprache und Dichtung e.V.
2023 | »Am Arsch der Welt«, Selected for the
White Raven recommendation list for International
Children's and Youth Literature
2023 | »Bosco Rübe rast durchs Jahr« Shortlist
2023 | »Elvis Gursinski« Shortlist Carl-Buch-Preis
2022 | »Am Arsch der Welt« Emy Sachbuchpreis October
2022 | »Am Arsch der Welt«, Jugendsachbuchpreis,
Verein für Leseförderung e.V.
2022 | »Ich bin dein Buch«, Shortlist Deutscher Kinderbuchpreis, Zeitfracht Medien
2021 | »Schlafen wie die Rüben«, Schönstes deutsches Buch, Deutsche Stiftung Buchkunst
2015 | »Alle da«, Leipziger Lesekompass